Jan 27 2015


Jan 27 2015

Cleaning up with Aly.


Jan 18 2015

Aly… what do you have?


Jan 16 2015

Smile Aly!


Jan 6 2015

An Olaf for Aly

Made an Olaf for Aly.
Not as cool as a Thundercat symbol, but hey, she’s only three 🙂


Jan 5 2015

Thundercats Ho!


I made a wall plaque for the boy’s room.  I’m supposed to re-live my childhood through my kids, right?

Jan 4 2015

New bench


A few years ago we bought a couple of cedar  2×6 deck boards at the end of summer.  I made this small foot bench out of one.  Our kitchen now smells like a pencil!

Aug 14 2014

Listen to Oshawa Rocks!

OR Poster 001

Mar 29 2014

dining room

Feb 2 2014

Old pride

Its kind of nice to sit in the lobby of a restaurant and look up at the tv and be able to tell my kids, “I wrote that”.

We decided to treat the kids and take them to a fast food place for breakfast.  We ended up heading to a nearby town that we rarely go to and having breakfast.  It was there that an ad system I wrote a few years ago for another company was running.
Really cool blast from the past.  There isnt much out there that I’ve programmed that is still running.  Didn’t expect that one to be either.